MotionSkill 功能
- Library of ready transition (转场过渡库)
- Transition Composer (转场定制工具)
- Parallax builder with several parallax types(具有多种视差类型的视差构建器)
- Fast transform tool (randomizer, additive transform, fast align)(快速变换工具(随机发生器,加法变换,快速对齐))
- Glitch presets and expressions(故障预设和表达式预设)
- Sound Library(音效库)
- Expression Helpers (表达式助手)
- Camera tools (摄像机工具)
- Responsive speed ramps (响应变速)
- Bulk Align tool (批量对齐工具)
- Graphic Essential fast converter (Graphic Essential快速转换器)
- VR Transitions (VR 转场过渡)
- Particle Transition Composer (粒子转场过渡工具)
- Fast Loop Builder (快速循环生成器)
- Procedural animation builder (程序动画制作工具)