将平面图片制作成三维空间摄像机视觉动画的AE教程。您可以通过增加运动和摄像机景深使照片栩栩如生。作者Rich Harrington揭示了如何使用 Photoshop和After Effects将照片传输到三维空间中。该课程向您展示如何选择正确的图像和分辨率;如何在Photoshop中使用遮罩和图层来构建分层的构图;以及如何在AfterEffects中为场景中的元素设置动画和光照。该技术可用于纪录片制作,网络内容和电视广告。作者甚至展示了如何以兼容YTB等兼容平台的全3D格式呈现项目,或以适合电视或媒体的典型广播格式呈现项目。高清视频教程,英文教程英文字幕,无中文字幕。
Lynda – Motion Control 3D – Bringing Photos to Life in Three Dimensions with After Effects and Photoshop CC
Have you looked at a photo and wished you were there, or wondered what the scene looked like to the photographer? Now you can bring your photos to life by adding motion and depth. Author Rich Harrington reveals how you can transport your photos into a three-dimensional world using Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. The course shows you how to select the right images and resolutions; how to use masks and layers to build a layered composition in Photoshop; and how to animate and light the elements of the scene in After Effects. The techniques is useful for documentary filmmaking, web content, and TV commercials. Rich even shows how to render your project in full 3D for compatible platforms like YouTube, or in a typical broadcast format suitable for television or streaming.