本专辑是关于原声大碟 -寻梦环游记 ,大小:264 MB ,格式:MP3,压缩比率:320kbps,版本:Original Motion Picture Soundtrack,国家地区:美国,发行时间: 2017年11月10日,共广大设计师学习使用。


1. Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz) (Benjamin Bratt)

2. Much Needed Advice (Benjamin Bratt and Antonio Sol)

3. Everyone Knows Juanita (Gael García Bernal)

4. Un Poco Loco (Anthony Gonzalez and Gael García Bernal)

5. Jálale (Mexican Institute of Sound)

6. The World Es Mi Familia (Anthony Gonzalez and Antonio Sol)

7. Remember Me (Lullaby) (Gael García Bernal and Gabriella Flores and Libertad García Fonzi)

8. La Llorona (Alanna Ubach and Antonio Sol)

9. Remember Me (Reunion) (Anthony Gonzalez and Ana Ofelia Murguía)

10. Proud Corazón (Anthony Gonzalez)

11. Remember Me (Dúo) (Miguel (Featuring – Natalia Lafourcade)

12. Will He Shoemaker? (Michael Giacchino)

13. Shrine and Dash (Michael Giacchino

14. Miguel’s Got an Axe to Find (Michael Giacchino)

15. The Strum of Destiny (Michael Giacchino)

16. It’s All Relative (Michael Giacchino)

17. Crossing the Marigold Bridge (Michael Giacchino)

18. Dept. of Family Reunions (Michael Giacchino)

19. The Skeleton Key to Escape (Michael Giacchino)

20. The Newbie Skeleton Walk (Michael Giacchino)

21. Adiós Chicharrón (Michael Giacchino)

22. Plaza de la Cruz (Michael Giacchino)

23. Family Doubtings (Michael Giacchino)

24. Taking Sides (Michael Giacchino

25. Fiesta Espectacular (Michael Giacchino)

26. Fiesta con de la Cruz (Michael Giacchino)

27. I Have a Great Great Grandson (Michael Giacchino)

28. A Blessing and a Fessing (Michael Giacchino)

29. Somos Familia (Michael Giacchino)

30. Reunión Familiar de Rivera (Michael Giacchino)

31. A Family Dysfunction (Michael Giacchino)

32. Grabbing a Photo Opportunity (Michael Giacchino)

33. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Michael Giacchino)

34. One Year Later (Michael Giacchino)

35. Coco – Día de los Muertos Suite (Michael Giacchino)



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